Old Apple Products That Are Worth A Ton Of Money

There's no question that nostalgia for the times before smartphones ruled our daily lives is a strong attractant. For example, some collectors thrill over the classic Apple iPod, which put portable walkman-style cassette and CD players out of business. Which is ironic, because the iPhone soon spelled the demise of the iPod. Technology marches on. While the high value of certain iPods has been widely reported, what about some of Apple's other devices? Before the California-based company started churning out iPods, iPhones, and iPhones, it made only computers.

Apple's first product was initially known as the Apple Computer 1, now known as simply the Apple I. Created by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, the Apple I debuted in 1976. A unique aspect of the Apple I is that it was sold without an external case, keyboard, or display screen. Final assembly was up to the buyers. Therefore, homemade housings for the computer include wood, metal, and even a leather briefcase.

The original price of the Apple I was $666.66, a distinctive figure, to be sure. While perhaps not as lucrative as being an early investor in Apple stock (NASDAQ: AAPL), that first round of the Apple computer is nonetheless quite valuable today. 

Less than 50 original Apple computers exist

Because the Apple I was supplanted by the Apple II after about one year, they're quite rare nowadays. Experts believe that only about 200 total units were produced, but may of those were surrendered as trade-ins toward the newer Apple II. As of the year 2012, only about 50 Apple I computers are known to exist at most, and only six of those units are in working condition. 

One such working condition example was sold by the auction house Christies in 2017 for a stellar price of $355,000. In 2022, an early Apple I was sold by RR Auction in Boston to a California collector for an incredible $677,196. What was so special about that particular Mac? It was a demonstration model used by none other than company co-founder Steve Jobs to drum up sales for the new product.

Another Apple I with a personal connection to Jobs was auctioned off by Christies in 2024 for the highest price yet: $945,000 including the buyers premium. This particular machine resided in Jobs' office until the year 1985. Interestingly, the 2024 seller was none other than Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft. 

Later models can have value, too

Admittedly, finding an Apple I in your grandparent's basement seems like a long shot, but what about the value of some of Apple's later hardware offerings? The Apple II had a long lifespan. From 1977 to 1993, more than 5 million units were sold in various iterations like the IIe and IIc. That means it's not as valuable as its predecessor but certain models can still fetch several thousand dollars. 

For example, an relatively early Apple II from 1977 sold for $4,867 at auction back in 2015. However, the very first Apple IIs are the rarest of all. That's because they were built without cooling vents and tended to overheat.This design flaw was quickly corrected, making non-vented machines unusual, if not terribly functional. In 2022, a "ventless" Apple II sold for an impressive $35,655 at auction. That said, you should temper your expectations about most Apple IIs floating around. The more common models from the 1980s-upward will be lucky to fetch a few hundred dollars, at best.

Finally, there's Apple's Lisa debacle, which would contribute to the brand's flirtation with bankruptcy. Named after Jobs' daughter, the Lisa was both expensive (nearly $10,000 in 1983 dollars) to buy and unreliable. As a result, it sold poorly and experts estimate that only 30 to 100 of the early Lisa-1 machines are still around today. At auction, Lisa computers with the right combination of features sold for $51,300 and $31,250 in 2017 and 2018, respectively. While tens of thousands of dollars for a vintage computer is impressive, consider that original 1983 buyers would barely make back their investment after factoring for inflation.
