Social Security's Payment Timetable For November 2024

Keeping track of the Social Security payment schedule can feel like a full-time job for retirees and other Social Security beneficiaries. The Social Security Administration (SSA) follows a payment cadence each month; however, each beneficiary's own schedule will vary based on their date of birth.

Further variances may need to be considered as well if a beneficiary is receiving spousal benefits. While beneficiaries may think they know their own schedule, if they casually chat with a friend or family member about that person's payment schedule, and that well-meaning person is overly certain that their pay date is everyone's pay date, well — let's just say it's easy to see how a payment schedule can get confused.

Fall has also been a big season for Social Security news. For example, changes coming to Social Security in 2025 and the long-awaited new 2025 COLA for Social Security benefits have finally been revealed. While exciting, these crucial updates may have momentarily distracted Social Security beneficiaries from something else important: when they will receive their Social Security payments in November 2024.

Key November Social Security dates

Social Security can be broken down into two categories: Social Security payments (also referred to as RSDI or SSA benefits), and Supplemental Security Income payments (SSI). Social Security payments include retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Further, Social Security payments run on a separate schedule from SSI benefits, the latter of which are paid on the first of every month (with some exceptions).

In November, Social Security (SSA, RSDI) benefit recipients who began collecting their benefits after May 1997 can expect payment on one of three November Wednesdays – second, third, or fourth — depending on their birth date. At a glance, here are the dates for November 2024's Social Security timetable:

  • November 13: Birth dates between the 1st and 10th

  • November 20: Birth dates between the 11th and 20th

  • November 27: Birth dates between the 21st and last day of the month

(Note that, for Social Security payments, this same Wednesday schedule is followed for every month, not just November.)

Exceptions and items to remember

There are a few items of note for Social Security beneficiaries and SSI recipients to also keep in mind for November. Beneficiaries who have been receiving Social Security (SSA, RSDI) benefits since before May 1997, and those who receive both Social Security (SSA, RSDI benefits) and SSI benefits are on a different pay schedule for November.

These benefit recipients can expect their November SSI payment on the first of November, and their Social Security payment on the third. It should be noted that some SSI recipients will receive what seems like an "extra" Social Security payment in November. However, since Social Security payments don't go out on weekends or holidays, the "extra" November SSI payment is really the December SSI payment being paid on Friday, November 29, rather than Sunday, December 1.

Please note: If receiving survivors benefits, Social Security benefits are distributed based on the primary beneficiary's birthday. Something for all Social Security beneficiaries to note is that in 2024, Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, November 28. This national holiday shouldn't affect Social Security direct deposits, but planning for it may require some careful balancing of budgets and benefit checks. Get ahead of the end of the month now by marking your payment dates in your calendar, and easing some pre-holiday stress. (If your payment is late or missing, reach out to your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778.)
