How Much Does Taylor Swift's Suite Cost At The Chiefs Stadium?

Even if you're not an American football fan, it's still pretty likely that you've heard about the Kansas City Chiefs. The all star team has been in four out of the last five Super Bowls since 2019 (winning three of them), and being that the Super Bowl is the most watched U.S. television program of all time, it's likely you've even witnessed them in action before. However, if the name sounds familiar but still doesn't quite ring a bell, it's likely you've heard about the Chief's because Taylor Swift has been dating the team's star tight-end, Travis Kelce.

America's sweetheart, Taylor Swift, whose recent Era's tour grossed over $1 billion in ticket sales, (making it the highest selling tour of all time) can be frequently spotted at Kansas City Chief's games supporting her boyfriend from a VIP suite. However, seeing how successful the Kansas City Chiefs have been in the last five years, it would be appropriate to speculate that tickets to their games aren't cheap, let alone a VIP suite to watch the action. That being said, how much does it cost Taylor Swift on average to rent out her luxury VIP suite for the games? Let's take a closer look at the facts to find out.

The cost of attending a Chief's game

The average ticket price for a Kansas City Chiefs game isn't cheap, relatively speaking. While you can buy tickets for as low as $98, that bargain will be rather hard to come across. Instead, according to SeatGeek, the average ticket price is going to run you somewhere closer to $198, a number comparable to the price of plane tickets for many domestic U.S. flights. Now in the case that you're a super fan of the team you might be willing to make that weekly sacrifice during football season in order to attend the games. But for anyone else, spending $198 a week for a regular 18-week NFL season schedule will add up pretty quickly over time, making a significant dent in your annual expenses.

However, for someone like Taylor Swift, who is one of the biggest stars in music today, she probably isn't super concerned with the cost of attendance, seeing as she recently came off of the most successful tour of all time. This being the case, how much does it actually cost to party with Taylor Swift in her luxury VIP Suite at a Chief's game? Brace yourself, for these numbers are bound to shock you.

The cost of Taylor's VIP Suite

While some would likely expect that Taylor Swift is given her VIP suite for free simply because her presence at the games attracts a lot of press, you would actually be wrong. In a 2023 TikTok posted by the wife of Juwan Johnson (tight end for the New Orleans Saints), she made it clear that wives and partners of NFL players don't get any special treatment at the games. Instead, they have to pay to watch just like everyone else. Knowing this, it's likely that Taylor Swift has run up a pretty hefty bill to rent out the luxury VIP suites she can commonly be seen attending the games in.

According to Johnson's wife Chanen, the average cost of a VIP suite at a regular season NFL game is likely going to range somewhere between $18,000 to $50,000. However, the price that Taylor Swift and company have to spend to attend any Super Bowls the Chiefs make it to is a much larger number than this. In fact, the price tag to attend the previous 2024 Super Bowl at a VIP Suite in Las Vegas where the Chiefs triumphed over the San Francisco 49ers came in at a whopping $1 million. While this may be an astounding amount of money to spend for the average person, it's mere pennies for Taylor Swift whose net worth is somewhere in the ball park of $1.6 billion.
